New York outdoors: Top 5 sights of the Big Apple

Having lived in New York City for almost seven years, qualifies me to some extent, to give travel advice on the Big Apple. Therefore, I am excited to have begun a series of guest posts written by yours truly, for the wildly popular Imperator Travel. Cezar, the author of Imperator Travel, has been to no less than 88 countries and is the living proof that travel doesn’t necessarily require a big budget, but perseverance, passion and some well thought research. He first started Imperator Travel blog in Romanian, winner of Roblogbest award for best travel blog in Romanian, after which he launched the same version in English. Judging by his nomination as best travel blog of 2012 by Washington’s Flyers, I would say the same popularity awaits the English version blog.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy my guest post: Discover New York outdoors: Top 5 sights of the Big Apple. Here is a sneak peek:


Like most people, you’ve surely envisioned the Big Apple as the place of endless skyscrapers, bustling streets and overwhelming landmarks, the undeniable embodiment of what a concrete jungle is. That’s all true; however, it is also true that New York City boasts an impressive number of parks, waterfronts, jogging trails, outdoor markets and summer concerts. You could literally spend each weekend in a different part of the city, enjoying a range of fun activities and an astonishing generosity of open space. After almost seven years of living New York, the city still manages to surprise me with sights I had no idea of. Best of all, most of these outdoor attractions are free! 

